Hello Beautiful Souls! I hope you are enjoying the increased energy levels. I know It has been some time since the last transmission, I have been focused on the final stages of a project while taking a break from channeling. I am happy to share a recent message from Anñar with you on connecting and contact.
We would say greetings to you!
You will have noticed that there are indeed many changes that have been occurring around the earth sphere existence for you. Many changes within the governing structures, many changes within the subtle layers of energy and within the dimensions also that you are connected into.
Many ones at this time are being called into re connecting or changing perhaps the ways that they express their energy, perhaps deepening their levels of connection, exploring into new areas and avenues. This is all part of the increase of energy that has been available to all ones who have been connecting in with the energy, attuned to those vibrational flows that flow to you from our support systems and we speak of a grand network of support that is around your earth sphere at present consisting of many beings many groups many ones who identify as your helpers.
So we encourage you to step forward into any impulses you may be receiving in regards to expressing what you feel is important to share within the light energy that you express.
There is much talk of visitation occurring on your planet, not within the wider networks that are known but coming through from various sources of information that is being shared on certain channels. Indeed this has been part of a plan that has been in place for some time. A step forward in the introduction for you, for those of you who are unsure or those who are uncertain, as well as those who are well informed about such matters. An introductory step for those ones who are part of an agreed programme we would say to assist the benefits of both races. We speak of those hybrid ones that are spoken about among many of your communities.
As this occurs there will be a gradual introduction as the initial re uniting will occur between those who are already aware of their participation into such programs. The idea is to expand the awareness and introduce the awareness of beings such as yourselves on other dimensions of existence to the population over time. To remove much of the fear based programs that have been running to prevent this from happening.
For those of you who are connecting and are beginning to connect and deepen your connection we would say that you will be given the opportunity to have your own form of contact with certain ones who are able to come into your awareness, to come into your presence so that you experience a form of contact. This is an individual process and will only occur for those who are ready for such connection, for the physical body has to be ready for this to occur for many of you, depending on the various connections that you have.
Connections may take place outside of your physical space meaning the inter-dimensions where you do connect and these experiences may be magnified for you. These are wonderful opportunities to look forward to and are available for those who choose this and are willing to work towards readying themselves for this energetically.
Disconnection is an illusion of 3rd density and we know that the living experience can feel as though one is shielded or veiled from the multi dimensional existence but do know that you are always connected to the deeper aspects of your soul self regardless of your awareness. This cannot be otherwise.
Remember to maintain your light through all that is occurring around the physical world as there is events occurring at a rapid rate.
Do not be distracted from your light.
We are with you always in our support,
Remember you are loved.
Anñar speaking