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New Shift within Dimensional Earth

Karen Elsworth

Hello Beautiful Souls!

I hope you are all enjoying the continual changing energies and shifts occurring. I'm here sharing a message from Anñar about the new energy shift within the earth dimension. ! was surprised to have a visit and a channeling session as I have felt a little overwhelmed with life circumstances of late! I do feel that healing presence at the same time so it was very welcomed.

Greetings to you,

We bring you into a particular energy and alignment that is supported by the shifting energies around you at this time. There are increased opportunities allowing for the expansion of your perception, your awareness, your understanding of things beyond the usual spectrum.

This shift is opening for many ones here at this time as these particular energies that are shifting and changing within your constructive set up of existence, your particular dimensional space that you are aware of, that you exist within. These are being moved so to speak and aligning with higher patterns of energy, the structures of the higher dimensional planes are integrating more deeply within the construct of your current existence allowing for this expansion within you all. You may visualise this as sheets of energy interlocking and moving and shifting. Many of you will be aware of this change many of you will be open to new concepts thoughts and ideas, new experiences coming into your awareness and you may be witnessing particular glimpses of what is occurring at this time of particular energy perhaps beings ones who may be coming into your awareness. This is a huge shift for many of you one that is welcomed by those of you who have been waiting for this time.

This is occurring while there are also shifts happening within the controlling patterns that are present within the earth spheres existence. Ones that may perhaps my encourage limitation, however be aware that where you place your energy and focus is where you will be shifting towards in this regard.

This particular shift is being monitored closely by many ones who are surrounding your planet at this time. You have much assistance from those of us who are here to assist you in your transformation and the earths transformation at this time.

We support you always and you are loved.

Our blessing is with you

Anñar speaking.



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